
Showing posts from 2010
Wisely said The quality of what you see depends on the perspective from which you see it; that perspective is entirely up to you. ‎'To find security in conformity is to keep yourself from your full potential' To expect people to treat you nice because you are a nice guy is like to expect a bull not to attach you because you are a vegetarian. If you can’t beat them before you join them you can’t even if you joined them. If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen. There is much you can learn from the things you cannot change, you can use that knowledge and experience to positively affect those things you can change. The Holy Bible the Holy Quran, the Vedas, the Avesta and all written sacred writings are all pages of one Holy book in God’s Library. The day you die is the beginning of a whole new life Of what use is it to gain the whole world and lose your soul Where on earth is it written that you will die with someone else even marriage vows say death ...

A new dawn in Kibera

For the last year or so i have been working in Kibera for a peace project that entails bringing together the community based organisations that cary out peace activities in Kibera building thier capacities and pooling them to work together. the challenges of my work not withstanding i have seen great change in the people and particularly the youth. I have seen a side of kibera few know about, a youth that is more engaging, cooperative and equallly aggressive, older men and women who are more cooperative and equally informed and children oh the children aint thy just great. We recently organised a run for peace, dubbed running the race for peace in kibera and engaged Athletics Kenya who used the races to identiify young talented runners to represent the District in the Provincial championships, that in itself was something great for Kibera. Most of those selected did not even know they could run, they were mostly football players. Then yesterday 14th Feb 2010 was a memm...