Kabul Afghanistan- reflections of a bored writer

29th July 2013
Today I decided to start keeping a diary of my stay here I may use it I may not.  I arrived here on 8th of July having spent a day in Dubai.
Where are the bombed places? I have yet to see a suicide bomb attack....then why cant I go to the neighbours.

Life for the past three, weeks has not be so hard as I had expected thats why they say expect less.  It is ok to be here, of course I miss my babies and my sweetheart and family and friends even the jam.  But its ok I have more time to reflect to get into perspective and to visit my psych.

Its too hot thats why I am sitting out here to atleast enjoy the breeze.  I already talked to Riki I am happy today we had a conversation.  Since I left Nairobi its always Mama I want a token( blue band has a competion) or Mama now that you are not here can I watch cartoons, this boy really knows how to apply charm.  Now Rigz has joined the scouts I wish I was there to see her march out on the 25th.  You see this are the things I have to get used to. Having to miss school functions, getting blackmailed into allowing TV on weekdays and having to accept that they are ok i.e complete and utter trust.

I have grown I see it each day, can you imagine me staying quite while everyone else is chattering away?  I have also learnt through a crush program I can assure you, that not all battles are to be fought, not all who are not your freinds are your enemi,es and understanding is by heart.

Today someone came with documents and asked me to sign when I questioned why......its for your good that was the answer, mark you the whole document was written in Dari the language here and it uses the arabic alphabet ha yes I did sign handed over my passport and said an inward prayer.  You all know what happens in the Middle East.

Ayiaye for the sake of remaining sane I will just have to get used to being called Mrs Wachuka.  However I dont know if I will ever get used to the idea of strangers asking me personal questions, your examples are not personal enough so achia hapo.

Tomorrow is a new day new challenges new ideas and new learning. Till then adios amigos

The last time I wrote here I was complaining of how hot it was who's laughing now I am frozen to the teeth. The janitor says they cannot light the Buhari(a kind of stove inovation you have not seen anywhere else so I will not describe it here) it is not cold enough,  walai bilahi this is intentional.  Anyway this is what living entails soldiering on in all weather, no wonder they call them roads all weather roads.

Its been quite a while and sometimes I forget that Riki and Rigz are far across the ocean, I get to talk to them almost everyday, you see I have really matured I dont call every two hours(or Hourly on weekends) to ask how they are, I know they are well, I still miss them alot especially at night.

Have I told you that at 5pm the sun goes down and it is pitch dark, imagine how impressed Riki will be when I tell him how it is dark during the day and try to explain the rotation of the earth wow.


  1. It is quite sad that I have not revisited this but it was fun while it lasted. Kabul Afghanistan I will never forget. Great friends I met and equally great experiences.


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