Miracles still happen

yesterday it really rained hard here in Nairobi, I was on my way home and as usual no body had planned for the rain so we were dashing from one covered place to another, then came this man who offered to share his umbrella and walk me to my bus stop.........i thought about this and wondered why I had doubted the all providence nature of our God......it was difficult to get a matatu home and as usual they had hiked the fare............a lady with a baby was equally drenched and out of interest and concirn for the baby i asked her where she was going, it turned out we were going to the same destination. she had been waiting for transport home with her baaby for over an hour.......we later waited for another hour and when we eventually got a matatu the fare was one hundred, the lady with the baby only 50..........I remembered the man with the umrella and how he had to go out of his route to bring me to the bus stop and told her, you dont have to go out I will help you out. Her reply was so miracles still happen and i said they surely do

i hope to meet her again since I learnt that I have already met her other children before and they always ask me ''aunty tuingie na wewe''(can we go in with you) matatus prefer adults to children as they pay more


  1. I have not met this mama to date and I no longer meet her kids as I have changed my bus stage


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