The things I write

Recently I realized I have to put things in this page
I have been writing on separate note books scribbling away and not caring
But now with this new age I realize its such a waste of time to scribble then type later so each day I will write something.

Now I write bout love yes you wonder, and yes I do, of course from what might have been, what is and what is missing and what is possible.
I write about politics, kitchen cabinets and sibling rivalry including blackmailing children and parents, I write about my babies no longer babies
I write about my work, stories of what I do, how where when and with whom, but also of people made into statistics to give them a face.
Then I write about experiences mine others, I quote, misquote etc
But mostly I just pen away, to let my mind wander meander and spew this thoughts I hold dear.
Sometimes I put it as it is sometimes hidden in flowery verbose other times in boring simple language
What  I want to do is just pass this time but also keep a record.



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