Bandages of the heart

You have just met him, your heart beats faster, you think its magical, when was the last time you felt like this? you ask yourself, its been years, you even thought it was no longer possible. but here it is again the adrenaline rush, the quick breathing, the weakening of the knees the whole package, its indeed magical, after all these years so you open up and welcome the new feeling. FOOL.

You are a fool, you have covered your heart with bandages and this new feeling derails you to think you are ok. The bandaged parts have not healed yet, you just covered them with these clothes on adhesive, underneath, the wound still oozes with pus. You have never changed those bandages or cleaned the wound, your heart is rotting.

Girl  your hearts been broken and bandaged so many times it looks like a poor drawing from a kindergarten art class, smeared ink and paints all over the paper. You no longer know which woulds are fresh as repeatedly the old ones are scratched bare before they are able to heal. The new ones with their new stains of blood cover old areas and the confusion created is undescibable.
Some say the bandages are evidence of the pain and hence growth you have endured. FOOL.
Bullshit those should be scars, you don't have those, what you have are wounds that have been left bleeding and filling with pus going gangrene, covered in dirty bandages and never cleaned.

Now this is the truth, every nurse worth their alt will tell you, for a would to heal, it needs daily cleaning, yes remove the bandage each day and scrub it raw then cover it with clean dressing. painfull aha, yes like shit, but that is the only way it heals.  Covering and adding bandages just gives the bacteria of rage a chance to grow and flourish hence cause infection this spreads all over your body spewing all sorts of problems and when it finnaly reaches the brain, YOU are DEAD not a FOOL anymore.
So FOOL, better clean that wound before you listen to the voice of a new heartbreak. 


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