Thanks Giving Prayer

 First written on my note book in April 2020 amid the corona pandemic


Thank you Jehovah for all the good things that have happened to me; life, just being alive and healthy is a gift from you and I don't take it for granted. Love, family, children, health, providence, sustenance, home opportunities, education, experiences, friends and many more. 

I am counting my blessings amid fears and also during good times 


I thank you for all the not so good things, the bad, the ugly and the terrible; loss, death, sickness, poverty, loss of money, loss of love, pain, theft, swindling, sins committed to me, sins I committed, sins of omission, injustices to me and to others, lost time, lost opportunities, oppression, abuse, shame, guilt, the corona menace and many more. 

I am remembering that God you put me through these hard times and trust you will pull me through always, I am at a better place. Even corona will end. 


I thank you for the things in the future; opportunities, long life, love, health, prosperity, including future difficulties and hurts

I am trusting God to take care of tomorrow. 

After each number one our Lords prayer, one Hail Mary and one Glory be to the Father. 



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