You can still do what you love even as you do what you hate
Most often than not we get lost in the things that we do as routine, working hard to achieve goals, loving family and friends, keeping relationships and just moving on with life. What we don't stop to think is are these things really things we love to do? Do I love the work I diligently give my all in or am I doing it for my daily bread? Since we have to eke a living anyway we get lost in doing what we do day in day out even if it bores us to death.
We hate some aspects of our lives, relationships, commitments or even routines but we do them anyway. There is nothing wrong with doing all this as we have to get by, however, choose something you love to do and dedicate time and energy to do it once in a while. Do this however tired or pressed for time you are.
After sometime when all else is no longer useful, when you have had all the money you needed or lack it, when the kids are all grown up, when the marriage or relationship is no more, when you look at the the mirror and its only you you can recognize, you will want to say, I enjoyed my life albeit every twenty minutes of each day. I did many things I did not like but I did this one thing I loved.
This is because however way you look at it, the bottom
line is that life is too short, and you owe it to yourself to spend
the majority of it giving yourself wholly and completely to something
productive even if it is what you absolutely hate, however give yourself
time to do something you like once in a while even as you have to do
other things to fill in the gaps.
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