Lent 2020 - Things to Fast from with a Message from Pope Francis
This Lent I want things to be different and I had decided to cut off all animal protein; meat, chicken fish and all their products but God forgive me I had to reintroduce some products for lack of variety in sourcing plant-based protein, I ate beans for a whole week and gosh vegetarians are so strong.
This is not the aim of this post. Its aim is to look at fasting from a very personal and rewarding position.
In the olden days' meat was chosen because of its central position in festivities, that is not the case today so it's important to abstain and fast from things that will create a personal challenge and spiritual change.
The pope has a list of things to fast from that makes so much sense;
1. Fast from hurting words and say kind words
2. Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude
3. Fast from anger and be filled with patience
4. Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope
5. Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity
6. Fast from pressure and be prayerful
7. Fast from bitterness and fill your heart with joy
8. Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others
9. Fast from grudges and be reconciled
10. Fast from words and be silent so you can listen.
My challenge is what can I do differently? Not eating meat here is a big step but what more can I do, I choose to be more intentional with what I do and say.
I have removed all games from my phone and social media except WhatsApp left most groups except essential ones ( these are muted except family). I Am trying to limit the use of Social Media especially FB. I am currently only taking milk once per day in tea, eggs occasionally and fish occasionally so far so good. Eaten fish twice and eggs twice.
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